I was planning on writing some about how much I appreciate my husband and glad to have one that helps with the kids and all. I know too many moms who have to do it all on their own and I couldn't even imagine having to do that. It would be so physically draining and emotionally, well, I don't even want to go there. But tonight I'm a bit pissed off at him... I have some sort of a stomach virus so I am not at my best. I didn't get much sleep last night between being in the bathroom and nursing the baby.
This morning we had Liam's first Gymnastics Extravaganza! Let me explain...
I signed Liam up for extra classes at his day-care for gym and music. Thought it would be good for him to expend some of that endless energy he has in a gym class and music is something ALL kids just LOVE. Well, he has been taking this gym class since February or March I think and today they had a show at our town's cultural center. We had no way of knowing if he was going go clam up and be all shy or be a star performer. Turns out he was a star performer. Whereas all the other kids were attached to either mommy or daddy and not at all happy about performing in front of an audience, our little (or should I say BIG) boy Liam was loving all the attention and being in the spot light. Pictures and videos will be on his blog once they are done uploading (link to the right). I have to admit it was really emotional and wonderful to see my baby be so confident and sure of himself and having no trouble being in the spot light, especially since I hate being in the spot light and I freeze when I have to speak in front of an audience. He made us really proud.
After that we got home and I put the baby down for a much needed nap seeing how he missed his morning nap because he was so excited about watching his big brother perform. After that I had to put Liam down for a nap. Maybe now someone who is reading this is wondering why daddy isn't putting one of the kids down for a nap. I wonder that myself sometimes. I seem to do so much more. The baby won't really calm down enough for anyone other than me and sometimes for his babysitter Lindsay. It probably has something to do with the fact that he gets to nurse before nap or bedtime. And Liam just doesn't take daddy seriously enough when daddy says no more reading or talking or whatever it is that Liam does when it's time to go to sleep. I think Scott doesn't get the whole being firm but kind thing that I do. I don't feel Liam ever feels like I'm the bad cop - I just do as I say and he knows I mean it. Anyways, I got to take a short nap with the baby later in the afternoon which was nice but then my stomach virus hit me again. So you would think that if mommy is so sick and has a 2.5 year old and a 4.5 months old to take care of, that daddy would decide that going away for the night is not such a great idea. Scott had a surprise birthday party for a childhood friend in Northern Virginia to go to tonight. He gets to go and have fun, spend the night at a hotel with two childhood friends and drink and have a great time while VERY sick mommy gets to stay at home with two kids who don't sleep through the night. You would think that it would occur to him that going away isn't the greatest idea. But NO! He thought I would get through it ok I guess. You see, I know exactly what was going through his mind. He probably thought that because I was walking around and getting stuff done that I was not that sick. He doesn't get that mommies just keep on going because we have no other choice. When he gets sick he gets in bed and doesn't really come out until he gets better. When I get sick I keep on going because I have a husband and two very young children who depend on me. So in his mind he isn't doing anything that bad by leaving me home alone for the night with them. In my mind, well, let's just say I am beyond angry.
So the sitter who helped me through bath and bed times left and I am here, writing this in between sprints to the bathroom. I am praying really hard that both boys will cooperate and will sleep well. I am praying that Liam won't wake up when the baby is nursing. I am praying that the baby won't wake up to eat while I'm in the bathroom and can't get to him. I am just praying for this night to go ok. And I plan on taking a really long shower and nap tomorrow when Scott gets home. But I also know myself and know that I won't let myself rest because there's always so much that needs to get done.
So I was planning on writing a really positive post with how blessed I am and how much I appreciate having a husband who helps a lot, but I'm too darn mad to do that so it will have to wait for another day.
Frugal Living Tip #50 - ShopAtHome.com
12 years ago
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