The Happy Pills are wonderful. They started working after 3 days (the doctor's guess was 4 days to 6 weeks). I am on the lowest dose and see no reason to increase as they are working so well.
On day 3 I was super tired (as usual) after an exceptionally bad night for baby Aiden. Usually, after Scott takes Liam to preschool, I put baby Aiden down for his morning nap and have very little time to clean up from breakfast, eat, and get a load of laundry in as he always naps for such a short amount of time. But like I said, I was even more tired than usual, and I was saying to my baby: "maybe I'll take a nap with you and clean up after the nap". As those words were leaving my mouth I was in shock. Did I actually say that I will NAP and clean up AFTER napping? Could it be? That's when I realized that the pills had started working.
Since then, there have been many wonderful morning naps with the baby.
I am not cured from cleaning. But, I am not obsessed with it anymore.
I am totally enjoying my time with the kids now as I am not constantly thinking about what I can and should be cleaning.
I am not so stressed out anymore. And when I take a deep breath now, I actually feel like I can breath.
So yes, the happy pills are working well and my only regret is not having taken them after having Liam and not having started on them much sooner after Aiden was born
Frugal Living Tip #50 -
12 years ago
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